Structural FEM analysis
FEM (Finite Element Method) structural analyses allow the structural behaviour of an object or assembly of objects to be simulated.
FEM analyses are important when one wants to predict the behaviour of structures under stress given their conditions of use and validate the functional adequacy of a product from fracture, bending and fatigue.
All this is carried out in conjunction with the design phase; therefore, it is possible to test and modify various solutions before the mould and then the product itself is manufactured.
Linea ar srl had its materials sampled by third-party institutes in order to be in possession of the actual mechanical properties of its materials and to be able to therefore simulate client designs on its materials as if they had been printed.
By subdividing the 3D design into thousands of polygons called “meshes”, the FEM method divides the geometric model into many small elements on which the simulator applies the external constraints indicated in the analysis.The simulator then “adds” and transfers the loads from one element to another until the final solution is achieved. This makes it possible to determine displacements, deformations, and tensions in a structural system.
For more information on this subject, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
The benefits of FEM analysis
Il vantaggio nell’utilizzo di simulatori computazionali FEM sta nel fatto che è possibile analizzare geometrie e forme altamente complesse che sarebbero impossibili da analizzare con i metodi di statica e dinamica tradizionali.
Tutto questo senza dover realizzare campionature, stampi o prototipi. Inoltre, è possibile adottare metodi iterativi di aggiustamento dei 3D per modificare direttamente forme e spessori fino ad ottenere progetti sicuri e rispondenti alle effettive condizioni di utilizzo finale riducendo drasticamente i tempi di sviluppo e progettazione.
By using FEM finite element analysis, it is then possible to calculate:
- Critical or weak points of the structures
- Bending and deformation states
- Breaking points
- Mass distribution
The main advantages of FEM analysis are:
- Reducing design time
- Checking the safety of a design without making moulds or prototypes
- Optimising thickness and accordingly keeping weights and costs to the bare minimum
For more information on this subject, please do not hesitate to get in touch!