Quality Control System

Linea ar srl is a certified ISO 9001:2015 company.

Thanks to of specialized machinery, materials and personnel coupled with a rigid quality control protocol, we are able to guarantee products of the upmost quality thar will fulfil the clients’ expectations.

In particular, for the medical and technical sectors, the certification helps our clients maintain a certified supply-chain with evident commercial and operational benefits.

Every manufactured part is thoroughly checked and verified before shipment to ensure it is compliant with its requisites and approved.

Additionally, in our manufacturing facilities we strive to undertake all necessary tests to ensure our products are compliant to all current laws and legislations: be it of the production process or the finished part, such as flame-retardant characteristics.

Over and above keeping a database of supplier’s raw material certifications, we also undergo tests by third-party certified institutions to verify that the materials we process fulfil the requirements, especially after going through our manufacturing processes.


The Quality Control phases

Linea ar is organised to undertake quality control through four different phases of the production cycle:

  • At the receipt of raw materials;
  • During the printing of the parts;
  • During the grinding and polishing of the parts;
  • During packaging.

This helps to filter and increase the chances of detecting quality issues during the production process.

In order to receive further information, do not hesitate to contact us: we will be happy to respond to all your enquiries.

Quality Policy

To affirm the competitiveness and profitability of the company in an increasingly demanding market, it is necessary to achieve and maintain a position of excellence with regard to its ability to provide quality products and services, compliant both with customers’s needs satisfaction, mandatory regulations and sustainability principles.

For this reason Linea ar S.r.l. has adopted a Quality Corporate Management System, compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 international standard, aimed at ensuring the control of its processes, and directing the entire organization toward the continuous improvement of its performance and its competitiveness.

In this sense Linea ar S.r.l. concretely aims at respecting the following principles:

  • Promote and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Comply with compliance obligations and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and service offered, with the means of production and the company structure.
  • Provide products and services that meet customer requirements, also with regards to sustainability.
  • Pursue declared objectives of improvement by monitoring their state of achievement; in particular, the company aims to:
    • improve the internal organizational structure by making it dynamic and flexible to market demands and to increase the professional skills of its staff in terms of competence, reliability, motivation and sensitivity to company principles;
    • improve the management of workflows;
    • Uphold the certification in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015.
  • Monitor the implementation of its processes in order to assess the performance of company performance and to be able to recognize the achievement of the objectives and possible further points for improvement.
  • Train and make aware all the internal staff and suppliers that play a significant role in compliance with their working principles and methods.
  • Comply with the mandatory compliance obligations regarding the protection of occupational health and safety and environmental protection.