Feasibility study
The feasibility study, preliminary to the actual design, includes the assessment of the different technical solutions needed for the development of the project and its subsequent realisation.
Through a precise and detailed analysis, one or more customised solutions and their possible issues are identified, which must be resolved before any type of article is produced.
The feasibility study allows the evaluation of different technical solutions for project development. In this phase, the various solutions identified for the product, moulds and production are proposed to the client, with their advantages and disadvantages.
At the end of this process, one or more economic estimates will be submitted to the client and we can then safely proceed to the finalisation of the executive 3D design of the product with clear ideas and no surprises.
Always serving customers
The feasibility study is essential for a successful project and accurate budgeting.
It includes the creation of preliminary 3D modelling or a detailed study of necessary modifications for the production of the moulds and the subsequent moulding of the design. In this phase, materials, production challenges and mould operation, mouldability analysis, thickness , weight and form are evaluated.
It is also during this phase that technical solutions, the economic proposal, the need for prototypes, logistics, etc. are evaluated together with the client.
Linea ar srl ranks among the leaders in the production of polyurethane products.
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